Lights Up... Check! Decorations Up... Check! Tree ... Check! Christmas Shopping.... :0 We know how stressful the holidays can become. When you are racing around getting things done, juggling schedules, shopping and celebrating. When you want to take a breather to relax and enjoy your December and Christmas moments... pop on over and spend sometime at Sunutan Beauty. We've got relaxation perfected... a cure for what ails you ;) and can have you melting away those extra shortbreads and eggnogs! #weightloss #sunutanbeauty #StAlbertSeniors #EdmontonSeniors #SherwoodParkSeniors #Relax #Pamper #indulge #treatcellulite #detox #getlostcellulite #staygolden #December #StressfreeChristmas #christmasDiet #ChristmasShopping #Christmas #happyholidays #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear #thisischristmas

via Sunutan Tanning Salon
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